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Your Voice Matters

Getting involved in the local politics greatly impacts the Rowlett community. This election will impact the safety of our neighborhoods, the quality of our children's education, and the productivity of our businesses. By supporting Frisbie for Rowlett, you are helping to make Rowlett a stronger community for years to come. 

Whether you make a contribution or share information about the campaign on social media, you are building the Rowlett of tomorrow alongside your friends and neighbors. 

As always, Louis Frisbie is grateful for your support and happy to listen to your ideas for developing a better Rowlett.


Help the Frisbie for Rowlett Campaign by ​spreading the word to your friends and neighbors. 

Share the campaign website on Facebook. 

Whether you spread the word on social media or face-to-face with your friends in the Rowlett community, we're grateful for your support!

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Louis Frisbie would love to hear what you think about key issues facing Rowlett. This campaign is built upon inclusivity and collaboration. 

Speak your mind, share your opinion-this campaign is for you as a member of our community.

Join the Frisbie for Rowlett Campaign

For more information:

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